
2020年7月16日—IjuststartedtheRPAplatform,IwanttoknowhowtogetafreelicenseforKapowversion10.2.ExpandPost.,TheKofaxKapowRoboticProcessAutomation(RPA)platformisthefastestandmostefficientwaytoacquire,enhance,anddeliverinformation—fromwebsites ...,TheKofaxRPAplatformautomatesbusinessprocessespoweredbyArtificialIntelligenceandMachineLearning.Theplatformusessmartsoftwarerobotsthatwork ...,2019年11月7...

How to get a free license for Kofax RPA (Kapow) version 10.2?

2020年7月16日 — I just started the RPA platform, I want to know how to get a free license for Kapow version 10.2. Expand Post.

Kofax Kapow Robotic Process Automation

The Kofax Kapow Robotic Process Automation (RPA) platform is the fastest and most efficient way to acquire, enhance, and deliver information — from websites ...

Kofax RPA Robotic Process Automation (Kapow)

The Kofax RPA platform automates business processes powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The platform uses smart software robots that work ...


2019年11月7日 — 本節介紹Kofax Japan提供的「Kofax Kapow」,做為物件式的範例。 Kofax Kapow的機器人開發步驟. 常見的實例是定義應用軟體A與應用軟體B之間的處理 ...

Kapow RPA Software

Kofax Kapow robotic process automation (RPA) software helps you automate repetitive business data processes using software robots.

Kofax RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

Kofax RPA (Robotics Process Automation) automates the integration of information and processes of an organization's business applications.

Kapow vs. UiPath, Part I

The most striking difference is the way the robot is being presented: Kapow goes for a vertical approach, while UiPath depicts them horizontally, just like a ...

What is Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation platform (RPA) technology enables you to automate labor-intensive, multi-step tasks across systems and data sources with no ...

Kapow Robotic Process Automation Software and ...

Kofax®, a leading provider of software to simplify and transform the First Mile™ of business, today announced Kofax Kapow™ robotic process automation (RPA) ...